Thursday, July 21, 2011

Quick Letter to Paley

Hello William Paley,

We both agree that a laptop is designed by engineers. You now say engineers are designed by Yahweh, which is interesting. Taking the idea further, can I suggest that Yahweh was designed by the Invisible Pink Unicorn? It's just that when I look at something as intricate and well-designed as Yahweh, I can't imagine him coming into existence by accident. I mean, if Yahweh had 0.000001% more anger issues, we wouldn't exist. If he were 0.00003% less needy about worship, we wouldn't exist. The odds are 2.371x1076 to one against Yahweh coming together by accident. The fine-tuning of Yahweh cries out for an explanation. I think the maturity and even-handedness of the Invisible Pink Unicorn is precisely that explanation.

May the meta-goddess make your god bless you.

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