Friday, February 29, 2008

Militant Theist Deserves Effigy Burning

It seems that a militant New Theist, a baptist Christian, has claimed that there is a god, and thus deeply offended and oppressed Prof. Richard Dawkins and his minions (that's me). A burning in effigy of the said baptist and Jesus Christ himself by the Oxford professor followed.

The baptist's offence is in line with all the genocides committed in the name of theistic political ideologies. I'm sure that Vlad the Impaler, Hitler, Ivan the Terrible, Pope Innocent III, Tamerlane and the rest of the theist murderers are even now approving the baptists from their non-existent heavens.

At this rate, it won't be long before they start drawing cartoons of our prophet Dawkins (pbuh), and then all non-existent hell will break loose.


Oh wait, did I get some of it backwards?

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